Your choice of gear when you leave your home in the morning not only depends on the possibility of rainfall but also on your disposition to be surprised by a shower. Not everyone feels comfortable with simply trusting the sun to shine again soon. Lakefield Partners can offer you the right approach for every investment goal and every risk preference.
For our clients.
We manage the assets of entrepreneurs, high-net-worth families and individuals and count pension funds, foundations, family offices, companies, other asset managers and private banks among our institutional investors. Our clients’ investment goals range from wealth preservation and income generation to capital gains and are pursued in the context of relative as well as absolute returns.
Investment goals are reflected in our clients’ portfolios: we deliver customized investment objectives by means of personalized solutions.
Our value added.
Asset allocation and stock selection are our main fields of expertise: in these areas, we want to be among the very best in the market.
For most investors, these two investment decisions determine the overall portfolio performance to a large extent. The asset allocation decision entails not only the top-level division of the portfolio capital across asset classes, but also the selection of fixed income segments and of equity regions and sectors.
For all strategies, we apply a structured and highly disciplined investment process. Successful investment decisions require the consideration of a large number of relevant data items. In order to process this information in an efficient and effective way, we employ cutting-edge financial models which have been developed in-house over a period of two decades.
Our offering.
Our solutions are designed to address our clients’ investment objectives, such as:
- achieving the long term-objective of their wealth, according to their personalized risk/return preferences;
- enhancing their existing portfolios, with our targeted investment strategies;
- optimizing the performance of their pension fund portfolios.
We help our clients achieving their investment objectives through the use of our award-winning strategies in the areas of fixed-income, multi-asset, equity and alternative asset categories, with a global or a Swiss geographical focus.
Our strategies are available in the form of managed accounts and Lakefield Partners’ investment funds.
Factsheets of our investment strategies.
Would you like to receive further information about our investment strategies? We are happy to send you the factsheets – just use the link below to register.
«Awarded as Leading Swiss Asset Manager for 10 Consecutive Years»
Lakefield Partners
Seefeldstrasse 281
CH-8008 Zürich
+41 43 500 40 00
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